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Who am I ?

I’m currently a research and development engineer at AFNIC.

Previously, I was an associate professor (Maître de Conférences in French) in the Télécom Sud-Paris engineering school where I work on the High Speed Internet platform (« Très Haut Débit ») as a part of the Telecommunication and Networking department. I was also the head of the apprenticeship program in Computer Science and Networking at Télécom SudParis (mainly in charge of defining the curriculum), and the coordinator of the « Networks, Services and Protocols » teaching domain of Télécom SudParis, responsability which I share with Hind Castel.


My main subject of interests are networks, especially wireless networks, as well as distributed and autonomous systems. I am also very interested in privacy and security, especially when dealing with the aforementioned objects. Of course, I’m all for open science and {reproducibility, repeatability, replicability}.

Please do contact me if you think we can work together !


I teach in Télécom SudParis, and when possible, I make the course material available on the teaching page, with CC-BY licenses.


My main email address is: rémy@grü (replace the accentuated characters with their non-accentuated counterparts).

You can also find me on Mastodon.

You can find me in the Télécom Paris building in Palaiseau in the 4.A 213 office or in Télécom SudParis in Évry, in the H314 office (Étoile building).

My office numbers are +33 1 75 31 41 13 (Palaiseau) or +33 1 60 76 43 07 (Évry).


I signed the “No free view? No review!” pledge regarding reviews. I will therefore avoid serving as a peer reviewer for for venues that do not make publicly available the reviewed research.


See the publications page for details. My ORCID is 0000-0002-9146-9888.


I have a blog, in which I sometimes publish in french, sometimes in english.


Between January and August 2021, I was a post-doc in the FUN Inria team in Lille / Villeneuve d’Ascq, where I am working with Nathalie Mitton on the DruidNet project, which deals with edge computing resource allocatIon for dynamic networks.

From 2017 to 2020, I was a PhD student in computer science in the Inria team Dante and Chroma, at ENS de Lyon ( LIP laboratory ) and INSA de Lyon ( CITI Laboratory ). For this PhD, I was working with Isabelle Guérin-Lassous and Olivier Simonin on UAV networks, with a special interest in WiFi networks.

An out of date curriculum is available there.



  • My proposal for a JCJC grant from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche’s 2023 generic call for projects was rejected.


  • I launched the Sciences.Re Mastodon Instance which wishes to offer a space for sharing, collaboration and online discussion for the French-speaking scientific, academic and educational community. The website also provides a search engine for positions published on the Galaxie portal, which is the official portal of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. It allows searches in the job descriptions as well as in the meta-data of the positions (location, type of position, theme, section…), for positions such as ATER, PRAG/PRCE, MCF, PR.


© Rémy Grünblatt 🍃. Built using Pelican. Theme by Giulio Fidente on github.